Collaborated in a multidisciplinary team to design and commercialize climate risk financial products for clients such as Bank of America, Societe Generale, FactSet, and the
United Nations.
Developed and optimized data models to reduce carbon in clients’ portfolios, decrease climate risk exposure, comply with ESG reporting standards, and outperform industry return benchmarks.
Worked cross-functionally with the engineering team to build a CI/CD pipeline, transition the database to Snowflake, train new hires, and ensure ease of access to data for product development.
Combined integrated assessment model (IAM) scenario analysis with machine learning techniques to develop products such as T-Risk and E-Score®, which quantify clients’ exposure to energy transition risk.
Figures I created in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund TCFD report.
EnROADS climate scenarios used in our climate scenario analysisExample backtest of Entelligent-created scores.